The GHOST Of Loch Luibnaig

Well day #3 and it was a cold night in Strathyre tonight and on seeing the moon out I decided to drive around to the East side of the Loch to grab a shot of the glistening waters of Loch Luibnaig with the moon adding to the strange atmosphere strangely I had heard stories about a ghost wandering the shores of the loch but it wasn't until I checked the photo later I could see this image of this ghostly figure that you could see right through him to the point you could see waters from the loch rippling through him and it put shivers right up my spine oooh then it was Owls hooting in the night with strange noises through out the night maybe it was the alcohol that was getting consumed later that was making me hear and see things oh well there you are that was it for today's blip so movie for the day is "The Water Ghost 1998" Looks great LARGE as well See Ya

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