Mountain Light

Tiny Tussock reporting

Goodness it is good to be back on the editorial desk again.

This is the road into the Aoraki Mt Cook National Park where The B’s are going for some R & R which may end up being less R and more R with the weather looking like it is. (did that make sense?) Maybe not. Never mind. At least it was not raining and they had a lovely quite moment or 7 up at The Hermitage which is the top very fancy and only hotel, sitting in lovely soft leather chairs and watching to see if the mountain would reveal itself…It didn’t but I can report that things got VERY quiet for a while and The Boss was trying to put bis phone into silent mode with malicious intent, when The Bossess woke up and spoilt the fun.
That is NOT to say that they were staying there. They had cheaper seats but still really nice ones at the only Motel in the park 5000 steps down the road.
By the end of day the sky had clouded completely BTW.
OH and this shot was SOOIP5 (straight out of iPhone 5) Well as straight out as The Boss allows with just the usual tweak in Lightroom.
AND for her fans I can confirm that Tussock was last seen dragging the nice handler lady into THC with no sign of looking back.

Gota go now… time.

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