From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Be careful where you wash...

Cyril: Well this is a very nice place to stop for a bite to eat, isn't it?

Daphne: Oh it is indeed! I don't think much of the ugly bar tender down there giving us the evil eye though. Does he have to pick his nose like that? So un-coooooo-th!

Cyril: Well, he has to pick his own nose as he can't exactly pick anyone else's, can he?

Daphne: I suppose not. The poor fellow has probably been sat there for ages and can't get out for a decent meal. All he can do is give everyone that stony stare.

Cyril: I saw a robin shitting sitting on him earlier. No wonder he looks fed up!

Daphne: Anyway, this bird seed starter is starting to get stuck in my beak.

Cyril: What do you fancy for your main course?

Daphne: Oh I really fancy those fat balls Cyril!

Cyril: Good idea! We can finish off on suet cake and then perhaps sit in the jacuzzi for a while before flying home.

Daphne: That's not a jacuzzi! It's just a bird bath isn't it?

Cyril: Naw! It was full of bubbles earlier!

Daphne: Really?

Cyril: Yes, but that's only because the pigeons were farting in it.

Daphne: Urrrgh!

Cyril: And the squirrel has been playing with his nuts in there again.....

Daphne: Urrrrrgh! Enough! Do you think you should give the bar tender a tip?

Cyril: I'll give him a tip! *shouting* Oi Ugly! Smile a bit more and stop picking your nose and you might get more customers!

Daphne: Sigh! Do you have to get drunk and show me up every time we go out? Coooo....

Anyway here is a great joke the lovely IanO sent me earlier - Joke from IanO

Track? Let's have this one from The Byrds - 8 Miles High

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