a town called E.

By Eej


The Gooseboree has once again started and I don't know what it is, but I find it pleasing to look at them. It's hypnotising, so many geese, all the same shape. Though I might chalk it up to sleep deprevation; it was a short night, mostly because the Beloved's alarm pulled a fast one on him and went off at 1 am, instead of 4 am. The Beloved, tired from what he thought was 6 hours of sleep but in reality was 3 ours of sleep, never once looked at any other clocks, had his morning coffee, left the house and was out of town when he realised what was going on.
Meanwhile, I woke at 2am in an empty bed, got a bit concerned when he didn't get back to bed, and got REALLY concerned when I got up and went through the house looking for him. He drove back up just as I was about to have a serious case of PANIC!

It was kind of hard falling asleep after that. Ahhhh, pleasing shapes of geese. Pleazzzzzzing shapezzzzzzzzzz.
*snores gently*

(Thoughts go out to one of our friends and his entire family - their loss is a great one.)

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