Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

After all

After all, you
are alive - you
always have the
chance to be

Yui Ikari

My practice at the Red Cross ended today and my lovely, funny and wonderful colleagues gave me this beautiful candleholder. I will light it tomorrow to celebrate that we're heading towards lighter days. :)
We had a Christmas party at work, as it was the last day we were open before Christmas and the holiday a head. We sang Christmas carols, had a poetry reading (I red 4 poems in Swedish written by a friend of mine and he red them in Arabic, and then another poet red some of his), listened to music and had a nice lunch. After that it was just talking and laughing and enjoying the company of new friends.
I'll be back at work on the second and third of january. They still want me there and I will not stay away until someone tells me I can't be there.

I'm so happy to have a day of relaxing tomorrow! I'll sleep-in and then go for a nice jog and walk. Then do some necessary things before my trip home to mum on monday.
I hope you all have a great start of the weekend!


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