Had a great time last evening with my brother and sister in law. I ate some sandwiches - with white bread (not on the slimming world menu ) and some " real " crisps ( definitely counted as a syn). It was nice to eat something tasty. I came home after midnight - my brother gave me a lift. It was handy when they lived around the corner - now they live about 5 miles away.

The weather today has been terrible - cold, windy and rainy. I didn't intend going out but Neil needed some Aussie dollars so I went into Newcastle. I went out at 2.15pm so I assumed that I would not be catching a bus which was packed with schoolchildren from the local comprehensive school. However they must have been let out early so when the bus came it was full to bursting with noisy " Compers" all excited on the last day of term. I had to stand at the front for about 10 mins until it emptied out a bit. Once in town I got the dollars and then mooched around the shops. Surprised to see a few shops with sales on already.

Neil had another 13 hour shift at work today. He got home a few mins ago but then he went straight out again - going for a drink with his friend.

Today's Forum challenge is candy. As I was in Fenwicks department store buying Jelly Belly Beans for Neil I decided to take a shot of the display. So many flavours to choose from. Neil likes fruity flavours. When I used to buy them for myself I always chose popcorn flavour.

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