Was woken up quite early by the postman - deliveries from Amazon and Ebay. Still a few more parcels to come but as long as they arrive before the 30th its OK.

Had to go to The Metrocentre to collect something which I had reserved in Argos as it was out of stock when I went the other day. I also had to get a speaker thingy for Neil's ipod. He told me which one to get but it was out of stock. They had stock in the Gateshead shop so I decided to go there to get it. Before getting the bus to Gateshead I poppped into M & S for bread and I passed a Currys/ PC World so I went in to see if they had a speaker. They did - and it was cheaper than the one in Argos so I bought it. Hope its Ok for Neil.

I have 2 fluorescent lights in my kitchen and they both went off yesterday. I changed the starter thingys but they still wouldn't work. I thought it too much of a coincidence that both tubes needed replacing at the same time but I decided to get some new tubes and see what happened. I was going to come home after the Metrocentre and go out again to B & Q but as I hadn't bought much so didn't have a heavy shopping bag I decided to just get the bus straight to B & Q. The place was empty - just the opposite of the Metrocentre which was packed. Found the tubes but wasn't sure of the sizes - I knew I wanted a 5 foot one and a 4 foot one but the ones they had were metric. As I'm 5 foot tall I used myself as a measure. Very awkward to carry them on the bus but I managed.

I was feeling quite happy with all the shopping achievements but then it all went wrong. Took the old tubes out of the fittings - put the new tubes in and then ........... nothing. I'm at a loss as to what's wrong. So it was another evening trying to cook etc by the light of a table lamp in the kitchen. Might ring my brother and see if he can help me out. Why do these things happen at the wrong time - everyone busy getting ready for Christmas.

UPDATE - Neil has saved the day. He fiddled with the tubes, changed the starters back to the old ones and hey presto ---- we had light. Big sigh of relief from me.

Neil had another 13 hour shift today. He has had no time to pack so he will have to do that when he comes in after 10pm. He has an early start in the morning. He and his friend are travelling down to London tomorrow on the first stage of their trip to Australia. I asked Neil which airport they was flying from - he wasn't sure " but its one of the big ones ". So that will be Heathrow or Gatwick I guess.

When I got home late this afternoon I checked the football results to find that Newcastle had won the match against Crystal Palace by by 3 goals to nil. Great result - there was a time when Newcastle could never win an away match in London.

Today's Forum Challenge is a Christmas sign.. I have blipped a wooden heart which I bought last week. I like the words.

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