
Haha!! I love my friends! There was a card through the door yesterday from the postie... I guess I slept through his knock which was a faux pas given it forced me to go out today. Although I ran out of drugs and since I've not eaten since Thursday I thought some junk food might help. I know I'm properly ill when I don't want food or fags!

It turns out I still have no appetite though so I guess it won't do me any harm.

So these are the contents of my Christmas parcel! Loving the little mug, it's my new favourite! However, the chances of me having sex with a female condom are quite unlikely but I've never seen one before! I predict an entertaining blip in the future!! I'm not sure why it's taken me so long to befriend someone who works in a sexual health clinic... although I think that might actually be a good thing! Thank you lovely... you properly made me laugh with the doctored card and selection of dams for safer oral sex!! Hahaha!!

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