Quiet Victories...

I scored a quiet victory today against the one of my most hated office practices.

I can't speak from huge experience as I've only really worked in one office environment in my career but I assume this happens in all similar establishments. Please feel free to confirm or deny this custom if you work in a large office as well. I sent something out to a number of persons. One of these persons thought I had sent out the wrong thing and instead of what I would consider an appropriate response, a small email nudge, they decided to reply to my email stating their accusation whilst copying in every manager above them just short of the chief executive.

Sound familiar?

The Sputnik got it so wrong I've been chuckling about it all morning. Not only was everything correct and in it's appropriate place, it turned out the source of confusion was said Sputnik's complete incompetence and inability to grasp fairly rudimentary concepts. What made the victory slightly more sweet was the fact that although I've never met Sputnik I am familiar with some of their opinions and electronic demeanor of which I didn't have much respect for in the first place.

I believe tail would have been most firmly between legs.


Although not deliberately chosen for it, did you notice that this image benefitted brilliantly from being able to choose the thumbnail position.

Nice work BlipCentral.

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