Obfuscated Design

By obfuscatedesign

My new camera.. an iSight.

The fun you can have with these is amazing. It's always one of the things I show off when trying to get people to switch to OS X.

1. Sweep over the dock to open safari
2. Open about 10 different safari then go to the top right hand corner of the screen where I have hot corners enabled so that Expose kicks in.
3. Show preferences under the safari menu bar.
4. Close them all with a quick cmd+Q
5. Open photobooth using quicksilver.
6. Watch the shock on their face as they realise there is a hidden camera.
7. Oops - accidentally triggered dashboard.
8. Oh look - preferences is in the same place with photobooth too.. isn't that cool.
9. Open iTunes and iPhoto
10. Minimise photobooth... OOOOOH PRETTY.
11. iTunes.. oh you know that program already do you? Yeh it is pretty cool isn't it. It's made by the guys that make this computer - yeh.. they did the iPod too.
12. Check out iPhoto (scroll through a few thousand files all with thumbnails in a matter of seconds).
13. No.. you can't have MY mac. You can buy your own though!

Ta daaa.

PS. For anyone who's intrested. Law went... well. Second paper had a question that we couldn't answer (fast track A-level in a year) but it was on the EU, so guessed it. I'm quietly confident. YEY!

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