just allan

By allan

Winter Wrappers

Out for a walk this afternoon and we were wrapped up with all our layers. By the time I took this picture, it was homewards bound and we were all warmed up. Glad to be getting home though!

Malcolm had gone out on his bike earlier and had to be reminded repeatedly to pack extra layers if he wouldn't wear them. Right enough he stopped on the way home to put them all on.

Buffs all round, we have a large collection with my favourites being the merino wool ones.

There was snow visible on the tops of the hills and Katie said she wanted to be up there. I explained that it's really, really cold up there because of the wind - down here we have trees to shelter us. See the windmills up there? That's why they're there.

"To keep the hills warm Daddy?"


At this rate we could yet have a white Christmas!

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