lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

Finally some calm

The weather was horrible last night. I was kept awake by the wind howling and rattling the house and the rain beating on the windows. There wasn't much damage around here though - some wheelie bins in the road and some building site hoardings and 'For Sale' signs down but nothing too expensive to fix. As I stayed local to work I was able to get there fine but probably wouldn't have made it before lunch if I'd had to take my normal journey because all the trains were cancelled this morning and many have been cancelled through the rest of the day. My route to and from work was unaffected though.

They let us leave work earlier than normal so I managed to capture the sunset across the car park and beyond which was a welcome sight after all the wind and rain.

I'm tired and feeling a bit fed of my family and the stress and tension caused by this forced jollity. 24 hours and it'll all be over.

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