The Kiltwalk

By thekiltwalk

Santa, can I get an Aila Coull Foundation T Shirt

Merry Christmas Kiltwalkers. I hope you're spending the day with those you love eating, drinking, laughing and planning you're training regime for next years Kiltwalk :-)

As tradition dictates in our house, we all have to write our Santa list and hope that if we've been good, we'll perhaps get some of what we'd like.

As ever, Santa is very clever as he managed to get me all I hoped for. There were my Dessie boots, which I've always loved and am now a proud owner of once again. I also got enough Jaegermeister, pants, socks and jumpers to last me a year, so I'm very happy.

There were a few surprise items such as my Oor Wullie Tartan scarf and Kiltwalk phone cover (see above), the new Jack Reacher book, which is ideal for eating Xmas chocolates to and a Blue Hoodie I spotted which is emblazoned with Glasgow and Scotland in the one emblem.

However as much as I love ALL my presents and am extremely thankful for the thought and effort people put into buying them for me, there is one present that I really, really wished for and thanks to some magic fairy dust and some chin wagging, my wish came true.

As you can see in the picture above, I am now the owner of an Aila Coull Foundation t-shirt and I couldn't be prouder.

There was a lump in my throat when I realised what it was and I can't thank Santa and his little helpers for making my Xmas day complete. I also loved the note his little helper wrote on it, means a lot.

I will wear it often, probably that often it will fade with constant washing. But I look forward to the first person who asks me "The Aila Coull Foundation" what's that then?

I'll give my shortened version, but it will include the fact that I'm walking as part of Aila's Amblers in next years Glasgow to Loch Lomond Kiltwalk, which takes place on Sunday 27th April.

If you fancy joining me, sign up at and enjoy a day you'll never forget.

Must dash as there's a Xmas dinner to eat x.

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