
By earthdreamer

Seeking Space

I'm not sure I'm very good at this Christmas lark. I'm just not suited to relaxing! Nonetheless, thoughtfully chosen presents have been opened. Games have been played. Some television has been watched. I'm quite proud of the nut roast I made for dinner. The roast potatoes were pretty special too. It's been a very chilled Christmas. I always feel the need, though, to escape for a little while, to find a bit of space, especially after having been cocooned in the office so much in the lead up to the break. I intended only to go for a short run on the moor before getting the bike out for a ride up the Dale but I met so many friends out and got so cold in the biting wind that by the time I got back and thawed out there wasn't really enough time left.

You've seen this bench before, on an even colder day here, and on a much warmer day here. No stripping off today!

Enjoy the rest of your Christmas everyone.

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