0804 to Leeds


“I wear it to cheer the folk up. I work at an old people’s home, and they love seeing it”

I trust everyone had a great day with their family and friends today.

Many thanks for your messages and kind comments on my 500th blip yesterday, I didn’t even realise till sometime late in the evening when I checked my email.

I have to admit I was curious who I would find today. I didn’t expect the centre to be completely empty but I knew it would be hard to find someone. As luck would have it I spotted Roy as I was driving past the bus station. I made a hard stop (luckily no one behind me), abandoned the vehicle and ran over with my camera.

“Merry Christmas!”
“Oh, Merry Christmas to you!”
“I like your hat with the Christmas tree pin”
“Thank you. I work at an old people’s home and they love seeing me wear it”

Roy told me about his plans for the rest of the day which involved him going to the home for Christmas lunch, and organising various other activities in the late afternoon. I know it may have been his job but he sounded enthusiastic and excited by it. As I left I asked him his Christmas wish. Clichéd though it was, it fitted his character perfectly.

“Oh, before I go, what would be your Christmas wish?"
“Peace & Goodwill"

Humans of Leeds

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