A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Took advantage of the weather this morning to have a walk in Milton Country Park - a place we've not been to for many years as it's rather on the opposite side of Cambridge to us, but did offer the promise of reasonable paths for 'A' to walk.

The park is the result of reclaiming some gravel pits beside the A14 and the exotically named "Thirteenth Public Drain". Peaceful it ain't but you stop noticing the traffic noise after a while.

Muddy, but navigable. The light was rather on-and-off and I'd made the mistake of picking the 'compromise' lens when really either the telephoto or wide angle was what was needed. Never mind. It'll do.

The afternoon seems to have disappeared in miscellaneous jobs, including giving a collapsed fence a hard stare. Hasn't helped much.

I'd hoped to title this "Xanadu" being Milton's "country park" (in an exceedingly loose sense) but have since confirmed that it was Coleridge, not Milton, who wrote that poem. Never mind.

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