A walk in the park

It was cold and windy today but after a mostly cloudy morning, the sun broke through and I decided to get out and look for a photo. The local park is the easiest and closest destination for photo opportunities so that was were I went. I was surprised to see so many people walking around the lake in the bitter cold. I guess everyone needs to get out of the house at this time of year, even if it is just for a little while.
The ice skating rink was open and filled with skaters. I took quite a few pictures but settled on this one of the end of the lake with the footbridge in the background. The sun was hitting the water just right. I was frozen by the time I got back to the car and couldn't wait to get warmed up.

I'm still trying to find the floor in my house after all the opening of gifts yesterday morning. The grandchildren really enjoyed their presents and loved the mess of all the wrapping paper almost as much as their gifts.

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