Friday Faces: Larry

I met Larry in the park today at the bottom of the stairs to the sledding hill. We chatted a bit, and I asked if he would be willing to take part in my Friday Faces project. Some blippers are reluctant to ask strangers for a photo op, and I can understand that; however, most of the people I ask are friendly and willing to pose for my camera. I have met some really nice people and enjoyed some interesting conversations with them. Only occasionally does someone say "no," and even then they are usually polite about it. Larry is a Viet Nam veteran who regularly walks in the park, enjoying the peace and quiet. He, and the others who say "yes" to my request for a photo, have made my life richer.

As you know, if you follow my journal, I began the Friday Faces project at the beginning of December, and this is the last "Face" for this month (and year). I have taken quite a few informal environmental portraits over the years, but in a spontaneous, hit-or-miss fashion. Friday Faces will be a regular feature in my blip journal, and you can see my growing gallery of faces here.

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