was the only light we got to see today. It was astonishing light, I have to admit it.
It came in big waves over the hills in the east. I could take pictures standing on the balcony.
Then the big clouds from the west were floating towards the east and when the sky was covered in a soft grey, it stayed all morning, only in the afternoon it grew darker and the rain started to fall softly.
Mischa felt so much better and the three of us went feeding the swans and ducks which were already waiting in the Weser and we did some shopping in the supermarket. Even in the difficult light Mischa took some pictures. Her swan picture can be seen here.
The dark days between Christmas and New Year's Eve. Just the same as the dark days before Christmas.
For my new blog I collected some old diairies and agendas and read out loud to Piet Hein and Mischa, from the time I was fifteen.
In earlier times I had never liked to reread, I found it so trivial, but being so much older now, I can feel a lot more benign about myself, the me of then and the me of now too.

My haiku:

We count our time in
Years, decades, and memories
Sometimes forgotten

And the proverb:

The north for greatness, the east for health; the south for neatness, the west for

1662 in T. Fuller, The History of the Worthies of England (1840). Dorset.
The houses herein are built rather to be lived in, than to be looked upon.
Indeed the rhyme holds generally true of the English structures.

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