Many hands make light work

I've lost all track of the days.

Mum's funeral is on Tuesday and we're grateful for her request not to rush things. Not that we could given statutory holidays but we need every hour of each day.

Sam and his wife Fleur came and helped with the slide show this afternoon. I had all the photos optimised and some loaded into slides in PowerPoint (did I mention how much I hate that software?!).

We worked on 2 laptops and then Sam combined both our files. Here he's sorting out his laptop so it talks to Dad's TV. After the funeral we'll have a bbq for extended family and the slideshow will run in the background. I'm so grateful to Sam for his help today, and for the rest of my families help with choosing and selecting photos.

Corrections to the order of service have been emailed off, I've completed a long version of the slide show to repeatedly cycle when people enter the church (and for the after match bbq) and a shorter version to play as a tribute to Mum at one point of the service. That leaves completing today's blip and the last 2 days of back blips, then I can tumble into bed.

A bit of fishing distraction on boxing day

A hand full of memories from yesterday.

Thank you for your messages of support. I do appreciate them. I'm just too busy and tired to reply.

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