
I wasn't going to do any of this end of year stuff this year, but no static and mister prime have told me, in no uncertain terms, that I have to. So, here's the first of two top tens - films today, albums tomorrow.

My Favourite Films Released In 2013

1. Good Vibrations
2. Blancanieves
3. Nebraska
4. Django Unchained
5. Behind The Candelabra
6. A Field In England
7. Blue Is The Warmest Colour
8. The Selfish Giant
9. Leviathan
10. Les Miserables

I completely surprised myself with my no.10 choice, was thrilled and dazzled by my no.4, paid good money twice to see my no.3, was fully immersed by no.9, was completely bamboozled by no.6 (so saw it again and was pretty blown away by it), was ridiculously entertained by no.5 and completely charmed by my no.2.

Oh, and as for no.1, well, I left the cinema with a grin on my face that was a mile wide. At least.


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