Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Spontaneous Puffage

I was snapping a few pictures of the titmice, hoping for something interesting when - poof - this one puffed up to twice his normal size. Kind of how I feel after indulging in cruise cuisine for a week. The difference being that a second later, he was his normal size again. If it were only so easy to shed a few human pounds.

I took this through the window so I sharpened the image a bit in post, also cropped it.

Busy day - we had our new front door installed today which took about 3 hours with 2 guys working non-stop. But it is now done and we have a very attractive looking front door with two side windows and a good storm door. We discovered several months ago that we had quite a bit of dry rot in the door/enclosure, so we had to replace the whole thing.

After that was done, we took ourselves out to lunch - now back home doing a few odds and ends. I'm working on my New Year cards (because I was way too late to get Christmas cards out). While the door installation guys cursed and muttered, I was also cursing and muttering. I thought I'd save myself some time by printing address labels for the envelopes... It took me TWO hours to figure out the damned mail merge from Outlook to Word - what a pain! But now at least all the envelopes are addressed now. Grrr.

Thanks for the kind comments on yesterday's soggy House Finch. The whole finch gang was back today, looking much more chipper.

And, people, it's almost the end of 2013 - HOW did that happen!???


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