And then there were four

We gave Mum a fine send off today. It couldn't have gone better and I don't think any of would have changed a thing.

Somehow I managed to give my tribute.

"Firstly, I want to thank you Dad for your tireless loving care of Mum. You were her rock and you stayed true to your marriage vows “… in sickness and health, until death us do part”.

Mum, throughout my life you have been a constant loving, warm presence. You were generous with your love and time for family, friends and those in need. You were truly beautiful on the inside and out. You were a remarkable woman and you had style.

I couldn’t have had a better Mum. We were well matched and our relationship matured into a wonderful bond. We had a lot of fun. You allowed me to make my own way in the world, gave me space to become my own person and find my own expression of faith. Thank you for your unconditional love.

You handled your illness with such dignity and grace and never complained. When you told me you could no longer go for walks I asked how you felt. “Oh well” you said, “I’ve got the wheel chair from the hospice and I can go for walks in that”. You adapted to each loss with grace and acceptance and lived your life with fullness and meaning right to the end.

I suspect heaven is a cleaner place since you arrived. You’ll have cleaned out a few cupboards and probably chucked out a few old tablets and manuscripts.

Mum, you’ll accompany me when I’m in my garden and in many other ways I’m yet to be surprised and delighted by. I assure you I’ll always carry a hanky with me, wear a hat when it its cold and buy stuff with the heart tick on it. And yes, I’ll be careful in the mountains.

I miss you so much Mum and I can’t imagine a day where I won’t think of and miss you for the rest of my life.

Even though your life has ended, all the love and goodness you created is still here. All the memories are here with us. You live on – in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here.

I’m blessed to have had you for more than half my life.

And you will always be my little Mother Ship".

I can look back on Mum's dying and funeral with no regrets. I think that will be important in the hardest days to come.

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