Bye Bye 2013...

I won’t be sad to see this year end and a new one begin. 2013 has not been an easy one.

But before 2014 can begin, we have to get through the worst evening in the year – New Year’s Eve is not a party for us. I am always home with the boys, who hate fireworks. It is only 6 pm and it does already sound like World War III outside :-(. The boys are still sleeping through it though – let us hope it lasts.

We started the morning by meeting Helle and her dogs for a New Year Walk. Helle is also looking after her brother’s little Papillon Viktor, so we had 7 dogs with us and they were having a great time.

I went to work to wish the staff working New Year shift a Happy New Year and on the way home, I took the boys for another walk.

We came home at 3 pm. The boys have eaten and my yummy meal is in the oven. The border collies are both wearing their Thunder Shirts and now we are keeping our fingers crossed for a not too bad New Year’s Eve.

More pictures here!

Happy New Year, Blippers!
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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