Strike that. Reverse it!


I'm off!

Last blip of 2013! I'm really looking forward to 2014, seems so full of promise. The year I turn 40, celebrate 10 years of marriage and 20 years with Mr F. Have lots of holidays, concerts, comedians booked to see. Have a feeling it will be a good one.

Having said that 2013 has been very good to me, my family and my friends so I really can't complain. Blip mojo lost a little along the way but refocusing ready for 2014 but as ever the blip community have been here to show me fantastic photos, of what I want to achieve in 2014 things I strive for and blipspiration :0)

Thankyou so much for all the lovely comments on my #730 yesterday. It really touched me all the lovely comments, stars and hearts. So a HUGE Thankyou from me.

I would like to wish you all the very best for 2014. May all your hopes and dreams come true. Have fun, stay safe and take care will see you on the other side xxxx

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