Christmas Eve Joy

This is the second year in a row that we have been home with just our little family on Christmas eve and I LOVE IT! While I love visiting with friends and extended family, I really enjoy having a relaxing time with out the rushing around trying to see everyone in a short period of time. It is better to spread it out, in my opinion.

Sugar Bear and I spent the day working on a fun Christmas project together. We decided to have all the fun of design and decorating without the work of actually making gingerbread. We constructed this big "gingerbread" house from a few cardboard boxes we had laying around. After we designed the house, we had plenty of time to get creative and have fun with the decorating. We literally spent about 7 hours on this masterpiece. You can see how proud my Sugar is of the finished product. :) Next year....we'll start a few days earlier, and take a few days to add more detail and finishing touches. This was an excellent first try.

Just as it was getting dark, The Hubby joined us girls for our 2nd annual Christmas Eve trip to see the lights out at our local State Park. Last wasn't too crowded, but this year everyone had the same idea. It was still quite lovely, and a fun way to spend time with my family. HERE is a photo of us girls at the lights.

We got home in time to get the Sugar in bed at a reasonable hour, so that I could wrap up the final presents and get the house prepared for Santa.

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