Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flying Headfirst into '14!

It's 2014 ... can you believe it? Wow.

I had a plan today ... I planned to blip a Blue Jay. Don't you love it when a plan comes together? Of course, this plan didn't take much work - really all I had to do was put out some peanuts and acorns and wait for the action. In two flicks of a tail feather, about 5 jays showed up and - poof - the nuts were all gone! Then the challenge was to pick one from the handful of "keeper" shots...

I thought about giving you the Glutinous Blue Jay playing "how many acorns can I stuff in here"

...or perhaps the multi-talented Juggling Jay...

But in the end, I had to go with this slightly out of focus jay, flying headfirst into 2014. Seems kind of appropriate, doesn't it?

Hubs and I had a lovely dinner last night and we managed to stay up just long enough to watch the ball drop in Times Square before heading off to dreamland. We are bracing for a winter storm starting tomorrow afternoon and into Friday. Could be a lot of snow...or could be just a few inches. We'll see. Meanwhile, the Bistro is buzzing as the birds try to fill up ahead of the weather system.

Thanks for sending my Titmouse to the spotlight page today - confirming my belief that no one can resist a titmouse!

Happy New Year, people.



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