2014 - Over In A Flash

By Mojox

Heart and Hearth

The first picture taken in my new home. Look carefully at the picture and you'll see that it is a visual metaphor of all I wish for the coming year. Cards on the hearth are from loved ones with whom I hope I'll spend many many happy hours. On the ends of the mantle shelf are onyx eggs which belonged to my mother; eggs - a symbol of new life and hope. The black cats are lucky ones I hope - but not as lucky as the little mice which sit beneath the clock, unharmed by their feline friends. And then there's the clock - ticking away, its hands moving forward constantly, a reminder that nothing can stop the future or bring back the past. A reminder that every second counts. And the picture? It's called 'In Thoughts of You' - whoever you are, wherever you are - looking at the first day of my year and my hopes for the days ahead.

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