
By DanEllwood11


Another day passes by. Mum and chloe have spent all day here again. A few friends came to see me so I've spent the day playing the PS4 while mum and Chloe sat watching! It must've been a long day for them.

I've not seen them in a while because of me being in here and them at work & uni. It's annoying hearing stories about their nights out with each other knowing I should be there too.

They are all really supportive and positive. "You'll get this sorted then we'll book another holiday."

Last year we all went to Zante for a week. I can honestly say it was the best week of my life. I've never laughed so much. They're a great group of lads and I'm lucky to have friends like them.

When they left all I wanted to do is leave with them. I've had such a laugh with them today, I didn't want them to go. I haven't laughed as much as I have today in months, it's been great.

The doctor wasn't able to track down the surgeon today so I'm unsure as to whether I'm having my operation next week. I'm praying he comes in tomorrow and says "Okay Dan, I've spoke to the surgeon and he wants to do it on Monday." That would be in a perfect world. However, we don't live in a perfect world so I highly doubt that'll happen!

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