
Things were too busy today to allow for more than a quick blip trip up the Malahide Road to Balgriffin, where on Monday I'd spotted some nice open countryside on the way to Portmarnock and Malahide and Howth. The change in the weather from yesterday was dramatic, the hedgerows and the fields looked the better for the rain, the light was crisp and clear: quite pleasant, really, even though a bit chilly. I shot off a few quick blips, developed a bit of a guilt complex, turned the car and headed back home without fitting in even a half-hearted bit of a walk.

Before I knew it, the day was over and it was time to make my way out to Ashbourne to meet up with Derek and Rita. I normally get out there around 7.30, but this time we'd agreed that I'd be with them earlier and join them for dinner rather than supper. Being that couple of hours earlier made all the difference in terms of traffic. I had to turn back from Collins Avenue and take the back road to the airport to cut off to the M50 and get onto the M2 and then to Ashbourne. I'd taken this route before and had been caught out at one particular junction where our notoriously bad sign-posting led me astray by suddenly failing to direct me to take a left for the M50. Fortunately I spotted the tell-tale blue sign a short way along the road I'd passed, so I didn't lose any time. Signposting certainly isn't one of the things we do well here, and I often wonder how foreign tourists manage at all to find their way from one place to another. I don't drive enough to justify getting sat-nav in the car, but I can see why it could be a blessing for people who do.

We had a lovely evening -- gorgeous soup and pasta and a healthy helping of fresh fruit: positively yummy! As well as lovely food, of course, we also had a generous helping of chat. It's been over four months since I've been in Ashbourne, and three months since I've seen Rita, so it was really good to be mobile again and to be able to make the trip. Thanks guys.

By the way, this looks best big.

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