ND Filter...

I was a lucky bear and got variable filter for my wide lens for Christmas... thanking you muchly lovely lady! x

So today I scrapped the DIY and went out to play instead! I'm such a rebel... mainly because I can't get the paint I need until Monday so I figure I'll spend tomorrow stripping the existing paint. I got some stuff from the quirkiest lady in B&Q, covered in paint she was too and not arsed. Told me about looking forward to a gin later! I liked her. She was about 80. Anyway, the stuff she gave me came with a serious health warning... it stripped the tester tile rapid style so I'm fairly sure it won't take all day famous last words.

I took Cam down to a little spot under the bridge in East Linton where the river was running pretty fast so I could test out my new filter. Note to self #1: check all the settings before you begin. Then I proceeded to get in his shots. He did exactly the same... only my head looks smaller in his than his does in mine and if you've seen my hair this isn't an easy feat!

Apparently the filters have little line things if you're in between the dots. Note to self #2: make sure you at least read the instructions before you start. Obviously I didn't know this so most of my shots are shite. However, it was a good learning curve and I'll do better next time.

This is over processed to within an inch but you get the idea! It's actually quite cool large...

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