Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

A day later

I returned to the same spot where I took some water shots yesterday. The goal was to blip with a long shutter speed to get a soft and dreamy look. I struggled with this yesterday due to the bright weather. I cranked the ISO down to 100 and maxed the f-stop still and the shutter speed was still only 1/15 of a second. Clearly, I needed a neutral density filter, but I do not currently own one. The other issue is that it was very windy and so it made it hard to maintain a sharp image on the long exposure since the gusts of wind would make the camera shake. Here is the resulting shot.

Today, the day was gray and overcast - perfect for these kinds of shots. I returned to the same spot with a similar configuration and the resulting shutter speed was 1/4 of a second. This does not sound like much but the photographic difference was quite substantial as you can see. The other benefit is that it was very calm which ensured a sharp image with the long exposure possible and enabled the strong reflections in the water.

I debated what to do with this shot because I wanted to capture the water and the foliage. In the end, I compromised and included both which is a different composition from yesterday. I like the different perspective and how the reflections in the calm water.

Post processing:
Tweaked saturation in DPP
Used clone stamp layer to remove annoying house in PS

Constructive criticism always welcome

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