An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Like it was only yesterday...

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Friends I haven't seen for ages visited this afternoon and we did afternoon tea, drinks and nibbles and dinner, all the while having the most fantastic catch up.

It's at least 5 years since I've seen Keith and Mhairi and their son Ross (D sees Keith more regularly as he's a golfing buddy) so it was really fantastic to finally get our act together and arrange a meet up.

Ross was in Alan's class at mainstream Primary school but whilst he went on to mainstream secondary, we chose a school more experienced in teaching children with additional support needs for Alan, so Alan was really looking forward to seeing Ross. It was funny watching his reaction when Ross arrived. He just kept staring at him and grinning. :))

So a fun time was had by all of us. Isn't it great when you meet up with friends you haven't seen for a long time and you carry on as if you'd just seem them last week? :))

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