The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

My heart has wings

...when I see sunshine and blue sky!

These contrasting colours caught my eye as I passed by one of the departments at Stroud hospital on my way home today. This building has a 'built 1928' plaque on it. I blipped it here.

First day at the coalface today: children returned to the special school where I do a three-hour stint. I'd like to say that my charges greeted me with open arms.... I think that nearly every one had a good play session, though. I also walked both to and from work, which is the most exercise I've taken in a very long time.

Later, we put the Christmas things back in the loft and I finished returning the front room to a space that can also be used for massage. My client came and went (hard physical work!) and after a bit of a rest, I made some hot and sour soup with prawns for my tea. CleanSteve has gone to an incredibly long meeeting, but I've saved some for him, just in case....

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