Attention grabber

Hollyoaks omnibus to begin the day, looking wonderful on Carl's new Freesat-connected TV.

Yummy Eggs Benedict brunch.

A Letter to Three wives on TV afterwards (marvellous 1949 black-and-white which we'd both seen before but which nonetheless gripped us from beginning to end).

Rather than get hooked by a Columbo episode re-run, I said my farewells and came back home. I tried to stop at Sandymount to blip the tide-out beach activity but couldn't get a legal car-parking space. As I approached the East Link turnoff my eye was caught by a vivid flash of yellow moving along beside the little strange-that-it-should-be-there beach. I quickly rolled down the car window and just had time before the traffic lights changed to green to get this in the can.

The rest of the day was utterly uneventful.

Yesterday is now back-blipped, if you care to have a look.

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