What does your garage look like then?

If you are fortunate enough to have a garage, do you keep a car in it? Many garages are a repository for stuff or have even been converted to a room. At least we usually keep our garage door closed except when getting the bikes out, but one of the people up our road has his gargae door open to the world displaying the chaos and confusion inside.

What is it with garages anyway? Ours needs a tidy, again. It's one of the labours of Hercules is clearing and tidying the garage, as soon as it is done it gets untidied again. Ours has a broken bottle in it from when the elderflower champagne exploded a couple of weeks ago.

Perhaps this will start a trend of blips. If you haven't got a garage, you must have a glory hole or cupboard (so have we) or at least a drawer that takes all the stuff you don't know where else to put.

Must have been a short news day today. Went to the gym and managed a 400m run, amongst other things, which elated me. Tomorrow I start physio for my knee injury. Then pottered doing stuff for Doreen. (You nearly got a blip for her new electric fire which I finished installing today.

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