Boys will be boys

And they don't get better with age!

When I asked Mr A to move in with me, I foolishly thought all his 'man junk' would live quite happily in the panic room.

However, these appeared in my bathroom today.

Fair enough, they'd be out of place in the panic room (I'd be very concerned if he rang the bell from down there!) but not sure they're quite in keeping with the order and style of my our house.

He's playing out with his friends tonight; a couple of guys from school who he hasn't seen for about 6-7 years (ain't Facebook great!), so I've got the place to myself for a few hours.

I could watch tv, or maybe rearrange the bits & bobs that have appeared while I've been at work.

Or I may just sit for a while and read a book. :-P

I said sit!

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