
By dfb24

All is Calm

Outside of the fact that everything is still varying shades of grey, it's really nice out today! Our temperatures are holding steady at around 35 degrees (F) with no wind, & no wind chill, so it feels pretty "warm" out! We did our errands this morning, then stopped at the park to take a look around. What a difference 15 degrees makes! The streams that were frozen over are now all running again, & the frozen waterfall is no longer a frozen trickle--it's flowing much faster & about half the ice is gone! There are still large pieces of ice floating around in the streams & ice coating the edges, but the water is moving very quickly! The weather people are predicting another "Polar Plunge" next week (& they don't mean all the goofy people jumping in the freezing water--Ha!) . They mean another deep freeze!!! And aren't we all just so excited about that possibility!! :(( If so, won't be long before everything's all frozen up again!

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