Looking for Treasure......

Today Jaiya and I blitzed the garden.
1. I forgot how wonderful it feels to look at a well ordered and loved garden
2. I forgot how much my body hurt afterwards
3. I forgot about those bloody weeds that make my eyes go funny ..itchy and blurry.

Sitting with a cuppa after ...it was all worth it.

The rest of the afternoon has been pretty chilled.

The internet is still very slooooooow....I'm getting bit peeved now...I mean... we pay an arm and leg for the bloody thing and then it doesn't work properly....it's just like CB Links said...it's probably the one thing you don't want to slow down when you get older.
The time is moving so fast I'm thinking about Christmas pressies again (only kidding).

“The soul is healed by being with children.”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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