
By Mikey88


This bouquet was a gift from some of our friends who came round for the meal last night. The rain set in again at about lunchtime and didn't stop, so it was an indoor blip and I thought this made a good subject.

Apart from that, haven't done much today. Some phot editing, cooked a nice bit of toad-in-the-hole for dinner and caught up with my blip for yesterday. Now I'm going to catch up with your blips for the last couple of days.

Only two more days before the new washing machine comes. I did suggest to Mrs Mikey that she go down to the river and bash a few clothes on the rocks, but she didn't take too kindly to the idea, so I may have to wash some of my smalls by hand, to make sure I last.

Hope you've all had a good weekend and are refreshed and ready to begin the new week tomorrow.

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