Frozen Moon Shadows (-15c)

Hi blippers, welcome to the 'world of polarbears'...!

A crispy weather -15c degrees in the morning ;) And only a couple of days ago we had not snow nor frost... Even if I do not like long very cold periods, this weather feels quite comfortable for a moment. I hope this cold will not last for months, however...

In the evening I took my crutch (to help walking with my injured knee) and camera and limped to the little forest. Quite cold for fingers, photographing in the middle of slight windy forest, I have to admit, but I really liked the result. Hope you too:
You see this kind of snowy scene is excatly how I remember the moon shadows from my childhood; the bright moon sometimes n a clear weather made (and still makes) cold shadows on the surface of the glittering very cold snow. The paths in cold world are bathing in blue light and everything is still and quiet.

I love the moon, always have: Relaxing element somehow - and so beautiful blue light during winter months specially:) If it would be possible, I'd like to sleep with open curtains during full moon...

Thanks for the huge amount of stars and your lovely comments to the little Yellowhammer I found yesterday, very kind of you indeed. Nice to meet you here - blippers!


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