Devices Time

Yesterday, mother-in-law's breathing became very distressed, and she was seen by her GP and prescribed medication which I picked up for her this morning, before J and I headed south to Auckland where I had a couple of patients to see, and she was checking out accommodation options.

While we were in Auckland we collected the exercycle which we bought before we left the old villa. J took it to her home when it proved to big for the apartment. Then her sister inherited it, and latterly it was borrowed by a friend when he was rehabilitating after an injury. When he left to teach in Korea he returned it to J who had it in her flat in Westmere. It got left behind when she moved back to the beach house, and we collected it today.

I only discovered that we were doing this a couple of days ago. So yesterday, I tried to think who might want it. I was unable to find contact details for any community group in the Warkworth region, so I rang the Hospice organisation. They have a weekly garage sale, and were happy to accept it as a donation for that.

After finishing at the office we headed back north. In Warkworth we dropped off the exercycle and a couple of old chairs for the garage sale. Then to the tyre place to replace a couple of worn tyres.

That is a much more complicated process than it once was. They balanced each wheel, and then aligned the wheels. Only then did they replace the two worn tyres; But the new tyres went on the front wheels, and the front tyres went on the back wheels as the back tyres were disposed of. I just sat and read and waited. Accepted the admonition that I should ensure the tyre pressure is maintained.

All this meant that by the time we got back to the beach house, it was Devices Time for the children. For the adults, it was snack and drink time. S' brother and his partner were also with us, and it was a pleasant evening.

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