Keep it Down

DDW's January Challenge Day 18: "Quiet"

This was not the picture I wanted to produce today. It was one of 3 ideas I had in mind, and last in my list of preferences. Plan A involved applying a zip to my mouth and rather than PhotoShop the zip, I wanted to use a real one. Tried to find one and couldn't, so that idea got binned. Plan B involved lots of gaffer tape which I purchased and applied liberalloy to my face only to find that all of the shots were out of focus. I'll be buggered if I was going to go through all of that again, so I resorted to plan C the single shot for which I had taken prior to applying the gaffer tape and which luckily for me was reasonably well focused. Half hour in PhotoShop and ta da ... challenge completed.

In other news, ate little yesterday (yoghurt and strawberries) but had a full English for breakfast today, so normal service has resumed. Hitchin Kitchen. Somewhere between a decent cafe and a greasy spoon. Very popular, and what amazed me was that we were the only people who didn't have chips with our breakfast. Chips! For breakfast! On top of a full English! And I read that 2 million people in this country are eligible for fat reduction surgery. NO..... Send that money as aid to countries where innocent children are dying of malnutrition and let these people change their eating habits of pay the price.

See, I said normal service had been resumed.

Update - Found time to create the original planned shot in PhotoShop. I think this suits the challenge better, but it isn't nearly weird enough for my journal :-)

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