Call That a Knife?

DDW's January Challenge Day 17: "Sharp"

An unusually literal interpretation of today's challenge. I blame it on a lack of time. Juggling work and other things right now which is leaving little time for creative blips.

One of only 2 knives that I own (2 more than many I'm sure). This one is not UK street legal. I have one that is UK street legal, but I don't have a macro lens so I couldn't photograph it. I jest obviously, but a UK street legal knife is tiny, and any knife with a locking blade such as this one is illegal to carry full stop.

Off my food at the moment. Another rare thing. Ate nothing but a bowl of cereal all day yesterday. Hopefully my appetite will return today, but on the upside, if it doesn't, I will reach my target weight quicker :-)

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