Beautiful Blues

A bright, crisp, cold and sunny day - we headed into Bantry to do a few chores (birdfood, bank, frying pan) then got seriously sidetracked by the amazing light and colour! We strolled around the pier and continued onto a walkway that takes you around some of the headland - the blipping was ferocious. A quick and healthy lunch in Organico then we drove back along the northside, first stopping at Beach where Himself was doing complicated things with tripods and HDR, to look at rock formations and waves; and then on along the Goat's Path where the sea was striped with every imaginable blue and the clouds magnificent. We stopped again at the summit of Seefin until chilly and blipped- out we headed home for tea and toast. Really hard to decided which blip to put up as my main choice - still not sure if I made the right decision. Please biggify to see Whiddy Island with its Naploeonic battery on top of the central hill and little harbour, the dots of the mussel farm in front, the craggy shapes of Hungry Hill and Sugar loaf mountain beyond on the Beara - and the colour, it really is like this!

Do you remember a few months ago we were on a walk in the middle of nowhere and met a man who inquired whether we needed turf (you do of course, keep up) - well true to his word, Michael Pat has just rolled up in a large lorry with a colossal bag. That should keep us going nicely - turf (peat) from the Bog of Allen no less.

You can see Himself's view of the day here.

Please join in with the chorus

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