
By BuissonCard

They Stare

It is the natural tendency of people to judge one another. It is a defense mechanism that is rooted in primitive survival techniques. Life has always been a social game. For example, the biggest monkey is commonly seen as the leader of the group. The same principle applies for humans. For example, the guy with the biggest truck is seen with the more dominant standing via his group of friends. People are consciously/sub-consciously attempting to manipulate toward their desired standing on a daily basis. This desired standing may not necessarily be "having the biggest truck" because one may place a higher value on a different aspect in life that is established in increasing his/her social survival.

Social survival is everything. It is an innate, irreplaceable part of who we are as not just a human species, but as a planet. Thus, I believe it is the fun responsibility of designers to passively encourage the alteration of the social norm as a means to promptly advance ourselves further away from primitive tendencies. Basically, one must view this concept as a timeline with a dot at a point along this line. We want to move this dot as far away from the line's beginning. The increased distance means a weaker connection.

There is one distinct way to accomplish this alteration from the standpoint of a designer. He/she must surrealistically, abstractly design a space that ultimately begins a "domino effect" of questions throughout society. Questions will spark new questions. These questions blur the metaphorical boundaries of current standings. Thus, they gradually make human species less tense, and you are welcome.

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