Lali's World

By Lali

Reflections on a window

Again not much time for photos today. I don't seem to have much time for photos or blip recently, I'm just too busy with other stuff...

I had an appointment with my GP this morning and then I headed off to work. This was a quick snapshot on the way up.

Work was very quiet today with the exception of a group of fifty odd people that turned up out of the blue. We finished our day with a blind whisky tasting. I didn't guess any of them... I just sussed out that one was a blend but that was it.

Feeling tired and with a bit of a headache and I still need to finish the translation thingy I'm doing for Wednesday.

Really sorry I won't have much time to catch up with you today but I'll try my best maybe later on this evening (see how it goes) or tomorrow morning.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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