White Dawn

Deserving of a closer look I think

I'm a little lost for words at the moment in knowing how to respond to your overwhelming generosity and kindnesses this last week. I feel much better again today but still a long way from firing on all cylinders. And this cough is getting more uncomfortable all the time. My tummy muscles are really sore!

It might seem odd that I'm still managing to find a way to post a half decent shot every day despite feeling sick. There is a pattern here. I've noticed before how often my best shots have been taken when I'm most stressed and have the least time. I think the mind is concentrated somehow. And I also think there is a compensation factor involved. When I'm feeling a bit blue, for whatever reason, the desire to take a good photograph increases. I feel like I need the buzz that it provides, and go after it. It's all about desire ... like so many things in life. Because it's impossible at the moment for me to respond to each of you the way that I would like, I feel a really strong desire to give you something back in the only way that I can.

So it is you I need to thank for the moment this morning when I found myself taking an impromptu detour on the way to work. It was a sudden compulsion and I'm so glad I surrendered to it! I was overcome by a need to revisit my new best friend. I thought he might look good this morning. He did! I hope you agree.

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