Reflections along the river

A busy day today. I drove Alex out to Lattersey Pits, where he was cutting down willows with the Wildlife Trust and then spent the middle of the day report writing. All too soon it was time to pick Alex up. I'd been hoping that the grey skies might clear so that I could stop and take some photographs on the way out, but after a brief bright spell in the middle of the day, it was back to grey. Rosie and I then went out for a brisk dusk walk round Ferry Meadows but arrived after the sun had sunk into low cloud. Luckily there were still some rather nice reflections along the river.

At the moment we're feeling rather worried. Our pet house chicken has gone missing. We think she might have sneaked out of the cat flap after dark to lay an egg in her nest box, and fear that a fox may have caught her on the way back. She could turn up in the morning, as she has gone missing before and then turned up from nowhere, but it's unusual for her to be away for so long...

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