Northern Night Sky over the Ribbonwood

Bit of a last minute blip this one as other shots I had planned haven't worked out today.

On my way to work this morning I put the 70-200 in my bag as I hoped to capture a flock of spoonbills that have been roosting in a macrocarpa hedge down by the Akaroa highway. I saw them there yesterday but didn't quite have the fast zoom I needed (I was limited to 70m at f/4.5). Unfortunately the birds didn't get the memo, so as we passed the shelter belt in question no spoonbills were to be seen. Foiled once more...

So, in the absence of roosting spoonbills here's the northern night sky from the back garden. Whilst the moon has gone for the day, there's still a glow in the sky, caused by the lights of Lyttelton being reflected in the cloud in the harbour no doubt. Still, it does make for a pretty colour.

There's been a lot of response to my star pictures with some local blippers showing an interest in creating some shots of their own. So Daring2Go and myself came up with the idea of holding a blipmeet to capture the stars on the night of Friday 28 February out here in the darkness of Banks Peninsula and Kaitorete Spit.. I suggest we meet at the junction of Poronui Beach Rd and Bayley's Rd (the junction of the Akaroa Highway and the Turn off to Birdlings Flat) at 10.30pm. Save the date, and if you're interested in joining us, let me know.

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